Popping the Question- The ABC Essentials to a Marriage Proposal

A) AmbianceWe all know when planning an engagement proposal the essential atmosphere must be elegant romance.
B) Be Quiet – !Surprise Her!This is a MUST, it’s the name of the game. This is THE ONLY TIME it’s okay to lie and she will be willing to instantly forgive you – so make it GOOD!
C) Create the Story you want told, and retold“When considering a proposal, think about what it will be like to rehash the way it went down for the rest of your life,” says Jon Finkel in How To Propose,The Ultimate Proposal Guide. Few time in your life will you choose in advance what you are going to do and say for a moment in your life that you and your future wife will talk about – FOREVER! Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, she might even blog about it. This is a pivotal point in your life – the way your friends and your girlfriends friends, your family, her family and your future children will think of you is entirely in your hands at this moment. In a very subtle way the way your propose might even be more important than the actual wedding. You have one shot – make it memorable!
A Marriage Proposal Sand Sculpture will fulfill all the criteria; The sunset beach, walking hand in hand, the water rhythmically caressing the shore (Romance Scale – a good 7). Now as she dreamily looks down the beach she notices, “Something in the sand”. Lead by curiosity and wonder an elegant sand sculpture draws her near. This is something special, someone went to a lot of work, this is BEAUTIFUL (Romance Scale nearing 9). She loves the idea of such a romantic gesture and as she thinks how lucky the girl must be you can hear a nearly inaudible exhaled, “oh”. You begin to “count the ways” you love her. She is confused, she doesn’t understand what’s happening. This gorgeous sand sculptures has her name of it! You quickly pull out the black velvet box and drop to one knee. Her brain has now caught up with reality. In an instant she understands; you are proposing to her, you are asking, “Will You Marry Me?” She has now become the luckiest girl on the beach, she is the recipient of the treasured love she was just moments earlier wishing she had – have now become all her own (Romance Scale – Off the Chart!). Every girl dreams of being the object of this kind of love, TRUE LOVE. A marriage proposal made made with sand is truly the stuff of a girls dreams. And you, still on one knee with diamond ring extended, are the ONE (Da Man) who did this for her! FOR HER! She’s gonna say, “YES”.
Marriage Proposals are honestly our favorite sand sculptures to create. We don’t claim to know everything about romance and love, we are very much like the writer of Proverbs 30:18-20 who stated that “the way of a man with his girl” falls into the category of too wonderful for me and something I do not understand. What we do know is; love is precious. We also know, after almost 30 years of marriage, is that keeping love alive, doing those special things, going the extra mile for your spouse, and creating special memories are very important. Not always easy, but very much worth the time and effort in the long run. And isn’t that what we are shooting for?
Nervous?We’ve got your back, Man! This is not our first rodeo. Rick personally walks you through the whole process. He will talk with you about your ideas and along with his experience the two of you will come up with a design that is both unique and fits your budget. Email Rick@BeachSandSculptures.com today with your phone number
BasicsStarting at $500.00, our base sand sculpture, on the beach, requires 2 people 4-5 hours to complete (a total of 8-10 man hours) and hauling water, right around 1 ton, up from the Gulf in 5 gallon buckets. We will maintain security of your sand sculpture until you arrive. Candid photography of your Romantic Sand Sculpture Proposal can be arranged for $100.00 (digital with no photo processing – electronically available).
How To Propose, The Ultimate Proposal Guide
The 10 Commandments of Popping the Question
For more information on Marriage Proposal Sand Sculptures contact info@BeachSandSculptures.com