SandCastle Lessons – Look Forward to your Destin Wedding

Recently while corresponding with a bride-to-be about her wedding activities during her Destin beach wedding, she wrote, ” I’m looking forward to the Sandcastle Lesson as much as I am The vows”. That made me laugh out loud, so I lol’d back a response, but I wondered; how can this be? How could a bride-to-be be looking forward to a SandCastle Lesson as much as taking her wedding vows?
Well (I thought), maybe she’s nervous, weddings take a lot of time and planning or maybe she’s just needing a little fun to counter all the seriousness of a marriage commitment. She’d made a pretty dramatic statement, considering she was comparing her wedding ceremony to learning how to build a sandcastle. “How can this be?s” my reasoning asked again. It could be that she’s the artistic type who desires to show off her talents to her friends and family who would be attending her Destin wedding.or Maybe, for as long as she has dreamed about getting married – she has also dreamed about building a beautiful sandcastle in the sand! Childhood
Regardless of the real reason she allowed me to quote her anonymously. Yet the fact still remains; SandCastle Lessons are something to look forward to. Whether you are a bride-to-be planning your Destin or 30A Wedding or just planning to take a vacation on The Emerald Coast of Florida you can schedule a SandCastle Lesson early so that you too have something every exciting to look forward to.
Beach Sand Sculptures also creates elegant Marriage Proposal and Wedding Sand Sculptures as well as Corporate marketing sand sculptures and Corporate Team Building Events.